var arrWeekday = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday" ] ;
Technique #2
var arrWeekday = [] ;
arrWeekday[0] = "Sunday" ; // remember that array indices start at 0
arrWeekday[1] = "Monday" ;
arrWeekday[2] = "Tuesday" ;
Technique #3
var arrWeekday = new Array() ;
arrWeekday[0] = "Sunday" ; // remember that array indices start at 0
arrWeekday[1] = "Monday" ;
arrWeekday[2] = "Tuesday" ;
Technique #4
var arrWeekday = new Array() ;
arrWeekday.push( "Sunday" ) ;
arrWeekday.push( "Monday" ) ;
arrWeekday.push( "Tuesday" ) ;
Note that the use of “arr” before the array name follows the
Hungarian notation naming convention that we discussed in our very first JavaScript
“arr” stands for “array”
it reminds us that this variable is an array, as opposed to a number or a string of
even a function
to review, prefixing variable names with indicators of their types helps us
understand our own code
unlike some other computer languages, JavaScript is “loosely typed,”
which means that any variable can have any type
that is, the type of a variable can be changed on the fly, which is very hard to
variable name prefixes help prevent this problem by reminding us of what type a
variable should be
once again, this technique is called
“Hungarian notatation” because it was conceived and
popularized by
Charles Simonyi, a Microsoft programmer of Hungarian
Using an Array
document.writeln( "<p>Today is " + arrWeekday[2] + ".</p>) ;
Today is Tuesday.
document.writeln( "<ol start='0'>" ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) {
document.writeln( "<li>" + arrWeekday[ k ] + "</li>" ) ;
document.writeln( "</ol>" ) ;
0. Sunday
1. Monday
2. Tuesday
Note once again that array indices start at 0.
Array Properties and Functions
determine how many items there are in an array
note that length is a property, not a function
this is why there are no parentheses after length
add items to an array
arrWeekday.push( "Wednesday" ) ;
push adds items to the end of an array,
increasing its length
in this case, “Wednesday” becomes arrWeekday[3],
increasing the array’s length to 4
you can also add items to the beginning of an array
arrWeekday.unshift( "Saturday" ) ;
in this case, “Saturday” becomes arrWeekday[0] and the
subscripts of all the other items are shifted up 1, so “Sunday“
becomes arrWeekday[1], “Monday” becomes
arrWeekday[2], etc.
delete items from the end of an array
arrWeekday.pop() ;
this statement removes the item with the highest
(numerically largest) index from the array
given the 3-item array at the top of this page, this statement will remove
“Tuesday”, which is arrWeekday[2]
the other two array items will maintain their current indices
delete items from the beginning of an array
arrWeekday.shift() ;
this statement removes the item with the lowest
(numerically smallest) index from the array
given the 3-item array at the top of this page, this statement will remove
“Sunday”, which is arrWeekday[0]
the other two array items will maintain their current indices
Today’s Exercise
Goal: To work with JavaScript arrays.
As we did in our last class, I recommend that you start with a fresh page for this
exercise. So start by creating a new HTML file and populating it with the HTML5
template we’ve been using all along.
First, create an array that contains any data that you like, but
the data items should be related to each other in some way. For example, you
might create an array of the last names of the men in your unit.
If you can’t think of something appropriate for your array,
click here for a plain text file that contains the first and last names of
everyone in this class.
You can copy-and-paste these into your program and then add the JavaScript syntax
needed to put the names into an array.
Display the contents of your array using a for loop. Each element
that you print should be on a separate line.
Next, create a second array in which each data item is related to the
correspondingly numbered data item in the first array.
Now display the data again, but this time format it into a table with the elements
in the first array in the first column and the elements in the second array in the
second column.