1  <!DOCTYPE html>
  2  <html>
  3  <head>
  4    <meta charset="utf-8">
  5    <title>Array Example 2</title>
  7  <!--
  8    File:  cssdweb.edu/StudentResources/Website Development I/CodeSamples/ArrayExample_2.html
  9    Copyright (c) 2022 by Jesse Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
 10      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
 11    updated by JMH on May 11, 2022 at 8:38 PM
 12    updated by JMH on May 31, 2022 at 4:31 PM
 13    updated by JMH on June 7, 2022 at 8:36 AM
 14    updated by JMH on September 19, 2022 at 1:18 PM
 15  -->
 17    <script>
 18      // month names
 19      var arrMonth =  // names of all the months (0-based)
 20        [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
 21          "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] ;
 23      // day names
 24      var arrWeekday =  // names of all the days of the week (0-based)
 25        [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ] ;
 27      var arrClassTopics = [
 28        /*  0 */  "No Class Meeting",
 29        /*  1 */  "No Class Meeting",
 30        /*  2 */  "HTML Markup for Basic Text",
 31        /*  3 */  "No Class Meeting",
 32        /*  4 */  "HTML Structure &amp; More Basic Markup",
 33        /*  5 */  "No Class Meeting",
 34        /*  6 */  "No Class Meeting",
 35        /*  7 */  "Creating Lists &amp; Using Entities",
 36        /*  8 */  "Working with Images",
 37        /*  9 */  "CSS Structure &amp; Basic Rules",
 38        /* 10 */  "No Class Meeting",
 39        /* 11 */  "No Class Meeting",
 40        /* 12 */  "Following Good Coding Practices, Review of CSS Structure, &amp; CSS Selectors",
 41        /* 13 */  "CSS Units, Borders, &amp; Backgrounds",
 42        /* 14 */  "No Class Meeting",
 43        /* 15 */  "No Class Meeting",
 44        /* 16 */  "No Class Meeting",
 45        /* 17 */  "No Class Meeting",
 46        /* 18 */  "Working with Tables",
 47        /* 19 */  "Using Hyperlinks",
 48        /* 20 */  "CSS Selector Techniques &amp; Priority System",
 49        /* 21 */  "Advanced Text Formatting Styles",
 50        /* 22 */  "Introduction to JavaScript",
 51        /* 23 */  "Built-In JavaScript Functions",
 52        /* 24 */  "Writing Your Own Functions",
 53        /* 25 */  "Individual Work to Bring Projects to Closure",
 54      ] ;
 55    </script>
 57    <style>
 58      #tblSchedule tr td {
 59        text-align : right ;
 60      }
 61      #tblSchedule tr td:last-child {
 62        text-align : left ;
 63      }
 64    </style>
 65  </head>
 67  <body>
 68    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0.2em">Array Example 2</h2>
 69    <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1.5em">Version 3, updated September 19, 2022</p>
 70    <script>
 71      // specify which code option you want to execute
 72      var nCodeOption = 2 ;
 73      document.writeln( "<h3>This is Code Option # " + nCodeOption + "</h3>" ) ;
 74    </script>
 75    <p></p>
 78    <script>
 79      // The following is DEBUGGING CODE.  The Boolean expression as written is false, so
 80      // the code that it controls is not executed.  This technique is used to keep debugging
 81      // code in a program (instead of deleting it) but to prevent it from being executed.
 82      if ( false ) {
 83        // remember that the month is 0-based, thus, July is month #6
 84        var dateFirstClass = new Date( 2022, 6, 5 ) ;
 85        console.log( dateFirstClass ) ;
 86        // appending a Date object to a blank string ("") forces the result to be a
 87        //    string, from which we can then extract information with the built-in
 88        //    substr[ing] function
 89        // this is possible because the date string has a standard format
 90        console.log( (""+dateFirstClass).substr( 4, 3 ) ) ; // 3-character month
 91        console.log( (""+dateFirstClass).substr( 8, 2 ) ) ; // 2-character day
 92        console.log( dateFirstClass.getDate() ) ;           // day of the month
 93        console.log( dateFirstClass.getFullYear() ) ;       // 4-character year
 94      }
 95    </script>
 97    <table id="tblSchedule" cellspacing="0" border="0">
 98      <script>
 99        // remember that the month is 0-based, thus, July is month #6
100        var dateFirstClass = new Date( 2022, 6, 5 ) ;
101        var date = dateFirstClass ;
103        // loop from 1 to the length of the array
104        for ( var k = 0 ; k < arrClassTopics.length ; k++ ) {
105          document.writeln( "<tr>" ) ;
107          switch ( nCodeOption ) {
109            case 1 :  // code option 1, testing all the data and arrays
110              document.writeln( "  <td>" + (k+1) + ". " + arrWeekday[date.getDay()] + ", " +
111                  arrMonth[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate() + ", " +
112                  date.getFullYear() + " : " + arrClassTopics[k] + "</td>" ) ;
113              break ;
115            case 2 :  // code option 2, to allow for CSS control of each element
116              document.writeln( "  <td>" + (k+1) + ".&nbsp;</td>" ) ;
117              document.writeln( "  <td>" + arrWeekday[date.getDay()] + ",&nbsp;</td>" ) ;
118              document.writeln( "  <td>" + arrMonth[date.getMonth()] + "&nbsp;</td>" ) ;
119              document.writeln( "  <td>" + date.getDate() + ",&nbsp;</td>" ) ;
120              document.writeln( "  <td>" + date.getFullYear() + " : " ) ;
121              if ( arrClassTopics[k] == "No Class Meeting" ) {
122                document.writeln( "<em style='color: red'>" ) ;
123              } else {
124                document.writeln( "<strong>" ) ;
125              }
126              document.writeln( arrClassTopics[k] ) ;
127              if ( arrClassTopics[k] == "No Class Meeting" ) {
128                document.writeln( "</em>" ) ;
129              } else {
130                document.writeln( "</strong>" ) ;
131              }
132              document.writeln( "</td>" ) ;
133              break ;
134          }
136          document.writeln( "</tr>" ) ;
138          // set the date to the date of the next class
139          //    reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/563406/how-to-add-days-to-date
140          // The modulus (%) function controls whether we add 2 days (from Tuesday to
141          // Thursday) or 5 days (from Thursday to the Tuesday of the next week).
142          if ( k % 2 == 0 ) {
143            date.setDate( date.getDate() + 2 ) ;
144          } else {
145            date.setDate( date.getDate() + 5 ) ;
146          }
147        }
148      </script>
149    </table>
150  </body>
152  </html>