Website Development I

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Class No. 15:

JavaScript Loops

Today’s Goal

To write your own JavaScript functions.

Class Resources

Web Programming book reading for THIS class

Web Programming book reading for NEXT class


How to print large number with commas, use the built-in function toLocaleString("en-US")

     var n = 12345 ** 2 ;  // result is 152399025
         // ** is the exponent operator, so ** 2 squares the number
     document.writeln( n.toLocaleString("en-US") ) ;  // displays 152,399,025
         // note that the number is displayed as a STRING
     document.writeln( n.toLocaleString() ) ;     // also displays  152,399,025
         // but it only displays this way if the user in in the United States
         // WHY IS THIS SO?
Link to original article:  Format Numbers with Commas in JavaScript

Questions from our last class or the readings or work between classes?

Repeating Code Using Loops

The for Loop

source: Connolly & Hoar, Fundamentals of Web Development, fig. 8.11, p. 373

k++ is the same as k = k + 1


for ( var k = 0 ; k < 5 ; k++ ) {
  document.writeln( k + " " ) ;  // output: 0 1 2 3 4

The while Loop

source: Dean, Web Programming, fig. 10-01, p. 427

in this case,


var k = 0 ;        // initialization, which is outside the loop
while ( k < 5 ) {  // the continuation condition goes here
  document.writeln( k + " " ) ;  // output: 0 1 2 3 4
  k++ ;            // be sure to change some part of the continuation condition

Note that a while loop might execute 0 times if the continuation condition is already satisfied when the loop is entered.

The do Loop

source: Dean, Web Programming, fig. 10-6, p. 437

The only difference between a do loop and a while loop is where the continuation condition is.

in this case,


var k = 0 ;           // initialization, which is outside the loop
do {
  document.writeln( k + " " ) ;  // output: 0 1 2 3 4
  k++ ;              // be sure to change some part of the continuation condition
} while ( k < 5 ) ;  // the continuation condition goes here

The for Loop Revisited

source: Dean, Web Programming, fig. 10-13, p. 452

Today’s Exercise

Preamble:  This exercise is the same as the one for our last class to give us more time to work with loops on the computers.  If you have completed or nearly completed this exercise and feel comfortable with its concepts, modify your code to use the getElementById technique introduced on page 315 of our texbook and used throughout Chapter 8.

Goal:  To create a dynamic table.


  1. Let’s start fresh with a brand new page for this exercise.  You should still use the HTML5 template that we’ve been using throughout this course, but this will give us a fresh start.
  2. We now want to generate page content dynamically.  A good first application involves creating a multiplication or other arithmetic table like the one in the resources for this class
    JavaScript Multiplication Table (Heines)
  3. Start by first writing a program that uses a simple program that prints the numbers from 0 to 9.  Your program might simply output:
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  4. Next, enhance your program to print 10 times those numbers on the next line.
    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
  5. Now put the basic <table> and </table> tags in standard HTML.
  6. Next, use a for loop to output 0-9 a single line of the desired table.  These numbers will be the first numbers to be multiplied.
    01234 56789
  7. Figure out how to add a blank first column so that when we have a column for the second number to be multiplied.
      01234 56789
  8. Use a second, embedded for loop to print the subsequent lines and the results of the multiplication.
      01234 56789
    0 00000 00000
    1 01234 56789
    2 02468 1012141618
  9. If you have time, use CSS to improve the formatting or your table.
       01234 56789
    0 00000 00000
    1 01234 56789
    2 02468 1012141618
  10. Be sure to view your page in the browser through the web server using an address in the format:


This is Class No. 15.  It was last modified on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 4:38 PM.  Copyright © 2010-2024 by Jesse M. Heines.  All rights reserved, but may be freely copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.