Second, let’s talk about “streamlining” style sheets ...
in the example below, note that h2 and .jmhcomment each
appears twice
1 /* the following styles were added by JMH to make the sample code look as
2 it does in the slides, that is, white text on a black background */
3 body {
4 background-color: black ;
5 color: white ;
6 }
7 h1, h2, .jmhcomment, h1+p, ul,
8 a:link, a:hover, a:active, a:visited {
9 color: lime;
10 }
11 h2 {
12 margin-top: 3em;
13 }
14 .jmhcomment {
15 font-style: italic;
16 }
17 /* end of JMH styles */
But be careful! some properties do not get inherited
for example, the border property
“As a general rule, properties that affect the placement of elements on the
page or the margins, background colors, and borders of elements aren’t
inherited.” (McFarland, p. 83)
“When styles conflict, the more specific style wins
out.” (McFarland, p. 85)
rules governing conflicting styles are the “cascading” part of CSS
Two situations in which CSS properties conflict (p. 92)
“through inheritance when the same property is inherited from
multiple ancestors”
“when two or more styles apply to the same element”
Cascading Rules
“nearest ancestor”: “the web browser obeys the style that’s
closest to the tag in question” (McFarland, p. 93)
example: <body> style specifies the Verdana font, but a
<div> tag within the body specifies the Times font
“directly applied”: “properties from a style specifically applied
to a tag beat out any inherited properties”
note that “directly applied” need not
be <tag style="...">
it could also be a style applied through an id or class
selector, such as <tag id="..."
many examples of potential conflicts appear on pages 94-95
if styles don’t conflict, all of them are applied to the element
The “Point” System (McFarland,
p. 108)
“properties from the most specific style” win
“specificity” = which is more “specific”? = which most
directly applies to the element in question?
specificity values
a tag selector is worth 1 point
a class selector is worth 10 points
an ID selector is worth 100 points
an inline style is worth 1,000 points
[figure source: CSS: The Missing Manual, by David Sawyer McFarland,
fig. 5-3, p. 109]
inherited styles have no specificity
therefore, directly applied styles always win
It is impossible to memorize all these rules
you have to simply gain familiarity with them as you work with them
that said, it is worthwhile to review them once or twice and “put them in the
back of our mind” so that you have some hope of understanding what’s going
on when you encounter them
this is an example of the underlying computer science that artists and web designers
typically don’t worry about
but it is our job to make pages efficient so that they
display properly in as many browsers as possible without alteration or
conditional code
are maintainable when the company changes direction or the designers simply
change their minds
contain reusable code so that we can get home for dinner at a reasonable
Addressing specificity issues
regardless of how good you are at this, working with the cascade is challenging
one way to address particularly complex issues that result in the style you want not
being applied to the elements you want is to enclose your elements in a
<div> or <span> tag with an id attribute
and refer to that id in your rules to ensure that the desired styles are
note that an id has a weight of 100
Advanced Material
Information on advanced selector techniques for students who are interested can be
found after the exercise or by clicking here.
Today’s Exercises
Goal: To delve more deeply into CSS by looking at the code
needed to render
PRO Manual page 7 as a web page.
Step 1: Study the resources provided
Begin by studying the layout of
PRO Manual page 7, which is truly quite complex.
Look at the rendering of
Mr. Heines’s version of this page to see how many of the
original page’s visual elements he was able to recreate on the web.
Now look at
for his version (by displaying the page and typing CtrlU)
to see the CSS that he used to render the page as desired.
Step 2: Copy Mr. Heines’s code into
your own Dropbox so that you can modify it
Click anywhere in the source code and type
CtrlA to select it all.
Type CtrlC to copy what you have
Return to your blank page in UltraEdit and type
CtrlV to paste in the copied code.
Type CtrlS to save a the copied
code into your own Dropbox so that you can work with it.
Step 3: Experiment with modifying the CSS
A good way to learn the complexities of CSS is to play with modifying code that you
get from others. Try commenting out various CSS rules to see how the page
renders when those rules are no longer active.
Note that it is important not to delete rules.
Rather, simply comment them out by enclosing them
in /* and */.
This allows you to comment the rules back in as you experiment with other rules.
Try modifying rules that you are familiar with to achieve different effects.
Don’t change the selectors at this time, just change declarations in the
declaration block.
Source:CSS: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland,
Figure 2-2, 2nd edition: page 33, 3rd edition: p. 38
The source code contains rules that you probably haven’t see before. Leave
those alone for now and focus on the ones that you already know.
Step 4: Try to streamline the CSS by modifying
it to take advantage of inheritance and the cascade
Be careful, this is tricky! Before you attempt this, make a backup copy
of your work so that you can return to a working version of the code if you screw up.
Instead of cutting-and-pasting rules to different locations, copy-and-paste them
and then comment them out from their original location. This will help you
recover if you screw up!
Advanced Selector Techniques for Advanced Students
This material is for advanced students, so we will not take the time to discuss it
during class.
Achieving a clear understanding of how selectors work is critically important not
only for working with CSS, but also because the techniques discussed here are also
used with JavaScript, which we’ll look at later in this course.
In addition to applying styles to tags, it is common is to apply a style to an
element with a specific ID attribute.
for example, #identifier { ... } gets applied to
<p id="identifier">...</p>
note how such capabilities reinforce the need to use XHTML and close all tags
You can apply a style to groups of tags:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { ... }
You can apply a style to an element using the Document Object Model (DOM):
li a { ... }
applies to all a tags that are
descendents (at any level) of
all li elements
li > a { ... }
applies to all a tags that are children
(that is, direct descendents) of all li elements
h2 + p { ... }
applies to all p tags that are adjacent
siblings of (that is, are at the same hierarchical level as)
all h2 elements
applies to all a tags with href attributes whose
value is home.html
applies to all a tags with href attributes whose
value begins with https
applies to all a tags with href attributes whose
value ends with .xml
applies to all a tags with href attributes whose
value contains
summary of the previous five
= -> “is”
^= -> “begins with”
$= -> “ends with”
*= -> “contains”
note that these are the same as the analogous symbols used in other symbolic
You can even use an asterisk as a “wildcard” to apply a style to all HTML
* { ... }
a:link, a:visited, a:hover,
and a:active
:first-letter and :first-line – used for graphic
effects such as drop caps and bolded first lines
:before and :after – generated content used with
book example: p.tip:before{ content: "HOT TIP! " }
:first-child – selects just the first of, for example, a set
of li elements
:focus – like the :hover pseudo-class, affects
rendering when the user selects an element
Separating content from rendition
as we have seen, during development, it is sometimes easier to write in-line CSS
or have the CSS stylesheet in the same file as our HTML
what are the pros and cons of doing this?
in most cases, it is best to have the CSS in one or more independent files
these are typically stored in a subdirectory named css