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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 99 of 120

Continued from page 98

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Contd)

786 Q What did you notice about him or his actions?

A He fired into the doorway of the tower and was yelling, "Kommen sie hier", to one or two prisoners that had not come out.

787 Q Did you see any of these prisoners shoved into the water of the canal before the shooting started?

A No, I didn't.

788 Q Did you see any of them in the water alive or any bodies in the water?

A About an hour later I saw one.

789 Q After these Germans were on the ground did you see any soldiers firing into their bodies?

A No, sir, I did not.

790 Q Before this firing started what was the position of the German prisoners?

A There were in two files facing the stockade.

791 Q Were their hands up?

A I believe half and half. Some had their hands up and some didn't.

792 Q The incident that you saw that you took to be a scuffle, was that between a soldier and the last German which was taken from the tower?

A No, sir.

793 Q Did more than one German appear to be involved in that?

A It seemed to me to be only one that started it.

794 Q Along what part of the German line or double file was that German?

A Front rank left man, I think it was.

795 Q That probably would be the last man taken from the tower?

A No, it wasn't, I am quite sure of that.

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