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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 98 of 120

Continued from page 97

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh, 0-414901, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Division.

(Formerly commanded Company "I", 157th Infantry.)

Taken at: Munich, Germany. (RECALLED)

Date: 17 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was reminded that he was still under oath, and again advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.

780 Q In your first testimony you made some reference to the death of some SS men at a tower along the canal that parallels one side of the stockade fence. Will you, in your own words, tell me what occurred there as you saw it, beginning with your approach to this tower and telling me everything as it happened as you recall?

A I was moving in the direction of the crematorium with the 3rd platoon and found a large wall which we tried to get through. Part of the platoon found an exit and after that I heard this yelling at the concentration camp.

781 Q Was the yelling that you heard from the inmates?

A Yes, sir. The rest of the platoon and myself we moved through that exit that we had found and I noticed that some of the men were concentrating around this tower right near there. I went down to the left to cross over on a bridge and while I was doing this they were emptying the tower of the guards that were in it. As I approached the tower it looked to me like a scuffle as my men were lining up these prisoners. I think what happened is somebody struck a rifle in one of the guards' hands and during this time they opened fire on the prisoners.

782 Q Where were you when the firing on the German prisoners started?

A About 40 yards away, that would be to the north.

783 Q How many Germans were taken from this tower?

A I would say approximately seven.

784 Q Did you see soldiers of the 42nd Division there?

A I didn't recognize any at that time.

785 Q Did you notice a man armed with a sub-machine gun who was working with these prisoners?

A I did.

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