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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 101 of 120

Continued from page 100

Testimony of: T/Sgt. Raymond E. Wyle, 31369144, Company "I", 157th Infantry.

Taken at: Munich, Germany.

Date: 17 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

804 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A T/Sgt. Raymond E. Wyle, 31369144, Company "I", 157th Infantry.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

805 Q Were you accompanying Lt. Walsh the day the Dachau Concentration Camp was liberated?

A Yes, sir.

806 Q Were you present when certain SS men were separated from other prisoners?

A No, sir. The only ones I saw were the ones that were all together when we went into the camp. I saw no one separated.

807 Q I hand you a photograph which has been identified as Exhibit "C", and ask you if you saw the yard that is shown in that photograph?

A No, sir, I did not see this yard. I must have been on the left flank of the yard at that time.

808 Q Were you present when any Germans were shot?

A The only ones that I saw shot were running away from us as we were going down the left flank.

809 Q Were you with the group that hit the stockade proper that had the high fenced-in enclosure?

A No, sir, that was the 3rd platoon of "I" Company that first saw that.

810 Q Were you present when some prisoners were taken from a tower along the stockade fence.

A No, I saw them lying there after I had come up across the canal by the fence.

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