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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 102 of 120

Continued from page 101

Testimony of: Pfc. Harry Crouse, 33892058, Company "I", 157th Infantry.

Taken at: Munich, Germany.

Date: 17 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

811 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Pfc. Harry Crouse, 33892058, Company "I", 157th Infantry.

812 Q Of what squad of which platoon are you a member?

A Third squad, third platoon.

813 Q Did you see some Germans shot in a boxcar?

A Yes, sir.

814 Q Will you in your own words tell me the circumstances leading up to the shooting as you saw it?

A I don't know just what happened but we were right along the building and Lt. Walsh called for a BAR and I had a BAR and started over there and just before I got there Lt. Walsh shot them.

815 Q How far were you from Lt. Walsh when he shot them?

A Fifteen feet, something like that.

816 Q Did you see these men enter the boxcar?

A Yes, sir.

817 Q Do you know why they entered the boxcar?

A No, sir.

818 Q When you first started over to where Lt. Walsh was where were these prisoners with respect to Lt. Walsh and with respect to the boxcar?

A There was a crossing on the railroad and they were standing by this crossing, and I am not positive but I think Lt. Walsh told them to get in the boxcar.

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