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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 100 of 120

Continued from page 99

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Contd)

796 Q Were all of these German guards killed?

A I don't know. I didn't check on that and I could not say for sure.

797 Q Did you see any officers at the tower or in the immediate vicinity of this shooting at the time of the shooting?

A No, sir. It wasn't until after that that I bumped into officers of the 42nd Division up at the main gate of the stockade, about 75 or 100 yards beyond.

798 Q Can you tell me the names of any of your men who were present during this occurrence?

A No, sir, all I can say is that they must have been out of the 3rd platoon.

799 Q Was your company runner or messenger with you?

A I don't think he was.

800 Q Did you have a walkie-talkie operator with you that day?

A My runner carried it but it didn't work.

801 Q What is the name of that runner?

A Pvt. Fahey.

802 Q I hand you again the photograph which has heretofore been identified as Exhibit "C", and ask if you can identify the man in the left side of the picture who appears to be a walkie-talkie operator?

A No, I don't recognize him. Are you sure that is a walkie-talkie he has?

803 Q No, I am not but it appears that it might have been. Were you in a position to stop the shooting that occurred at this tower?

A No, sir, it happened too fast.

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