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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 64 of 120

Continued from page 63

Testimony of: Pfc. John R. Veitch (Contd)

485 Q Were any of the other members of General Linden's guard in this vicinity at that time this happened?

A Yes, sir, I believe they were.

486 Q Which ones?

A Corporal Bauerlein.

487 Q Were any of the others?

A As for the others I could not say, as I do not know.

488 Q Did you see any Germans being beaten by either American soldiers or inmates of this camp while you were there?

A I saw some German soldiers being beaten by the inmates.

489 Q What were the circumstances?

A Well, sir, as I remember there was one, I don't know how they got hold of him but this one had been beaten pretty badly and he was being brought to the main gate by two GI's.

490 Q That is he was being brought to the gate from inside the stockade?

A From inside, sir.

491 Q Did you see any other instance of a German prisoner being killed or beaten or otherwise mistreated by either American soldiers or inmates?

A No, sir, not that I recall.

492 Q The only killing that you saw was at this tower which you have described?

A Yes, sir.

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