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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 63 of 120

Continued from page 62

Testimony of: Pfc. John R. Veitch (Contd)

476 A I could not say because I did not pay attention. I knew the Jerries were outside and I was watching them.

477 Q Where were you when this started?

A I was standing about 50 or maybe 75 feet from the group when it started.

478 Q Were there any inmates of the camp in the group?

A No, sir, not in either group, the German group or American.

479 Q How many Americans were in the American group?

A There again I would be afraid to say because I don't remember.

480 Q Can you tell me the name of any of the American soldiers who participated in this?

A Other than the sergeant and the Lt. Colonel I don't know, and I do not know the Lt. Colonel, just remember that he was a lieutenant colonel who was telling us what to do.

481 Q To what extent had he been telling you what to do?

A Well, such as, a couple of you men follow around the other side of the building. I happened to be one present and I went.

482 Q Tell me again in as much detail as you can just what occurred after the last German was taken from the tower?

A As I remember they were pushed in the river and the guns or small arms weapons opened up. I turned my back and walked back up towards the other tower at the main gate.

483 Q You saw the American soldiers push these Germans into the running water of the canal and shoot them while they were in the water?

A Well, they may have fell in. They may have been pushed in or fell in. I heard some shooting and saw one shot and I turned my back and walked away.

484 Q The one you saw shot, was he in the water or on the bank?

A He was in the water.


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