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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 62 of 120

Continued from page 61

Testimony of: Pfc. John R. Veitch (Contd)

467 A Carbine, sir.

468 Q How many German soldiers were taken from the tower?

A Well, sir, I couldn't give an accurate count, but as I remember maybe a dozen.

469 Q You say they had difficulty taking the last one out. Will you tell me what you saw?

A Well, sir, what I saw was that they just were throwing this one German out of the tower by force, and he was out.

470 Q You mean they threw him from the window?

A No, sir, out the door. More or less kicked him out.

471 Q After that what happened?

A You want the truth, sir? Well, sir, I don't know what happened. All I saw was some German soldiers being pushed into the river and some guns opened up. I turned around and walked away.

472 Q Before they started shooting these Germans what was the position of the German soldiers?

A They were more or less in a group just a little way up from the tower. I didn't see any definite formation.

473 Q Did they have their hands up?

A Sir, I don't remember.

474 Q Were they lined up in a line?

A Well, sir, I don't believe they were although I maybe wrong on that.

475 Q Where was the Lt. Colonel at this time?

A I don't believe I know, sir, because at that time we were all interested in what was going on and didn't pay attention to who was around.

476 Q Where was this sergeant you have described when the shooting of the Germans started?


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