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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 66 of 120

Continued from page 65

Testimony of: T/5 John G. Bauerlein (Contd)

499 A soldiers were walking around there. I just walked back and forth. That is about all that I did.

500 Q To the left of the main gate into the stockade there was a canal that paralleled that side of the stockade fence?

A Yes, sir.

501 Q About half way down that side there was a tower?

A Yes, sir.

502 Q Did you help in the attack on the tower?

A This soldier walked down with a "grease gun" covering the tower and some officer was behind covering him and I just stood there with my carbine.

503 Q Stood where?

A I stood quite a distance behind this soldier walking toward the tower.

504 Q Who was that soldier?

A I don't know who he was, I don't know his name.

505 Q Do you know his rank?

A No, sir, I don't. He didn't wear any stripes or anything.

506 Q Had you ever seen him before?

A Yes, sir.

507 Q Have you seen him since?

A Yes, sir.

508 Q What is his assignment or duty?

A I have just seen him around the division. I don't know his assignment.

509 Q Who was the officer?

A That I don't know, sir. I believe he was a captain, I could not say positively.

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