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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 25 of 120

Continued from page 24

Testimony of: Lt. Jack Busheyhead (Contd)

162 A They were segregated into one little group.

163 Q How many were there?

A I would say around 100 to 125.

164 Q That many SS men?

A Yes.

165 Q What was done with them after they were segregated?

A I think they were shot.

166 Q Where were they taken before they were shot?

A They were taken to a square.

167 Q A sort of a coal yard with a cement wall?

A Yes, in back of some big building

168 Q What was used to shoot them with?

A Oh, I think it was a machine gun and rifles.

169 Q A rifle or carbine?

A Both, I believe.

170 Q Was there a tommy gun also used?

A No, sir, I didn't see any.

171 Q Did anyone fire a pistol?

A Don't recall but I don't believe so.

172 Q Who did the actual shooting?

A Some of the boys from "I" Company.

173 Q What are their names?

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