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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 23 of 120

Continued from page 22

Testimony of: Pfc. Charles . Boaz, (Contd)

146 Q Were these SS men separated at a place where there was a coal pile?

146 A The SS'rs that I saw separated was by a stream by the railroad tracks.

147 Q Was there a yard there with a cement wall around it?

A I don't believe right at that place. I would not say for sure.

148 Q Who sent you away from this place?

A Another guard from the gate hollered at me and I stood there on guard with him to control the prisoners.

149 Q Did you see these SS men taken into a yard that had a wall around it?

A The last I saw of the SS troopers they were stood up and marched back to the rear. The way they were facing they were marched to the left. That is the last I saw of them.

150 Q Were the men escorting these men from your platoon?

A No, sir.

151 Q What platoon were they from?

A I would rather not say because I do not know for certain. If I knew I would tell you.

152 Q I hand you a photograph identified as Exhibit "C". Who is the man whose face is plainly shown?

A His name is -- I know his name, I came over on the boat with him. I cannot remember his name, but he came over on the boat with me. (The witness was now handed a roster of the company to determine the man's name.) His name is Lee.

153 Q Did you hear the shooting?

A I heard a machine gun go off but I did not see it. I wondered what was going on.

154 Q Did you hear one burst or more than one burst?

A I believe it was a big long burst. I was a little bit excited that day.

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