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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 26 of 120

Continued from page 25

Testimony of: Lt. Jack Busheyhead (Contd)

173 A Sir, I don't know, because it all happened so quickly, and they were herded out there and it was all over. It was like a dream sort of, to me.

174 Q The machine gun that was used was an "M" Company machine gun?

A Yes, sir.

175 Q Was it operated by "M" Company personnel or "I" Company personnel?

A "M" Company.

176 Q What is your position in "I" Company?

A Executive officer

177 Q Who ordered the shooting of these SS men?

A Well, I don't think there was any definite orders given, but it was the general feeling among all of the troops when we saw those bodies and one or two skinny fellows that came out there that no prisoners would be taken among our own troops.

178 Q You were present from the time the SS men were separated until the shooting was over?

A Yes.

179 Q Just what orders or directions did your company commander give?

A At the first when we saw the bodies why some of our troops were moving up in a column and then it broke on both sides of the railroad tracks, then we held up for a little while and then some of the troops were singled out as SS troops.

180 Q Do you mean German soldiers who had already surrendered to you?

A The Wehrmacht soldiers.

181 Q Wehrmacht soldiers who had already become your prisoners?

A Yes.

182 Q And then what happened?

A A number of them resisted and they were herded into this little group and we killed a number of them, and then we fanned out into little groups covering streets and

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