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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 95 of 120

Continued from page 94

Testimony of: Pfc. Peter J. De Marzo, 42175967, Company "L", 157th Infantry, 45th Division.

Taken at: Munich, Germany.

Date: 17 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

749 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Pfc. Peter J. De Marzo, 42175967, Company "L", 157th Infantry, 45th Division.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

750 Q Do you know where the Dachau Concentration Camp is?

A Yes, sir.

751 Q Were you on duty there?

A Yes, sir.

752 Q What were your duties while you were there?

A We were guarding the main gate, sir.

753 Q Do you remember an incident while you were on guard when two men were killed?

A Yes, sir.

754 Q Do you know who those men were?

A I don't know who they were but they were SS.

755 Q Will you tell me in your own words the circumstances of that killing?

A Well, I saw a mob going down to a pillbox and being on guard I went down to see what was happening. I was carrying my rifle in my arm like I always do in combat. A few Russians jumped in between me and grabbed my rifle and before I know it I heard two shots fired and some captain handed me my rifle and took my name and rifle number before I even knew what happened.

756 Q The men you describe as Russians were inmates of the Concentration Camp?

A That is right, sir.

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