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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 94 of 120

Continued from page 93

Testimony of: Lt. Col. Walter J. Fellenz (Contd)

739 Q Did you notice anyone else there armed with a pistol?

A No, I think I was the only person armed with a pistol. However, that statement is a general statement because I am not familiar with the men who are the General's bodyguard.

740 Q In your report previously referred to in your testimony there is this statement, "Then in mad fury our soldiers dragged the dead bodies from the towers and emptied their rifles into the dead SS chests." Will you tell me what occurred or the facts upon which that statement was based?

A That statement is based on the fact that while I myself was in the doorway of the tower and after I turned around and moved out of the tower and moved toward the main gate of the enclosure, I saw as I passed by the men shooting their weapons into the bodies of the SS on the ground.

741 Q Do you know whether or not those SS men were then dead?

A To my knowledge they were dead. They were not moving.

742 Q Were those American soldiers members of the 42nd Division?

A As I stated yesterday some of the soldiers were members of the 42nd Division and I believe but am not positive that some of the soldiers on the other side of the creek were members of the 45th Division.

743 Q Do you know Sgt. Wells?

A Yes, sir, I know Sgt. Wells.

744 Q Where were you when he lined up these German soldiers who were taken from this tower?

A I believe I was in the tower at the time that that episode took place, but I can't say for sure. Too many things were happening.

745 Q Did you take any steps to control these soldiers when they started shooting the German prisoners?

A It was impossible to take control there was too much shooting going on, both in the tower and outside the tower.

746 Q Did you take any steps to control these soldiers when you saw them shooting into the Germans' bodies as you started from the tower to the main gate?

A No, sir, I did not.

747 Q Is there any further information you can give me about the happenings at this tower or in the vicinity of this tower?

A No, sir, I think I have told you everything.

748 Q Is there any general statement that you wish to make?

A No, sir.

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