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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 92 of 120

Continued from page 91

Testimony of: Pfc. William H. Mentch (Contd)

722 A Approximately.

723 Q Then before you left you saw that group of prisoners marched toward the gate. Is that right?

A Yes, sir.

724 Q Was Sgt. Wells still in charge of them when they were marched toward the gate?

A I don't remember, sir.

725 Q Who was with you that could verify your story?

A Sir, I remember now that you ask me who was in charge of those prisoners. It was Sgt. Killiam. I know it was him because he said he double-timed the prisoners back to the gate.

726 Q Then, when you left this tower there were no German prisoners remaining in that vicinity?

A I don't believer there were, sir. I don't think there were. I am still not sure.

727 Q I hand you now a sketch showing the relative position of the main gate to the stockade, the canal running to the left of the main gate, the tower to the left of the main gate, the bridge in the vicinity of this tower, and ask you if the tower shown on this sketch is the one you have been describing in your testimony?

A No, sir, it wasn't. I had it confused with the main gate over which there was also a tower.

728 Q On this first day that you were in Dachau did you ever get down to the tower shown on this sketch?

A No, sir, I didn't. This is as far as I got, right here on the bridge.

729 Q Did you ever get close to this tower?

A The next day when I went to the crematory I came back past this tower on the other side of the moat.

730 Q Did you see Wells when he started from the main stockade gate toward the tower shown on this sketch?

A No, sir, I didn't.

731 Q Did you see Col. Fellenz when he started toward this tower with a small party?

A No, sir, I didn't see him.

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