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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 91 of 120

Continued from page 90

Testimony of: Pfc. William H. Mentch (Contd)

713 Q How many?

A I don't know, sir.

714 Q What is your estimate?

A Estimate would not be right, sir. I know they sent some prisoners back under guard and when the colonel told me to get my jeep I walked the German officer back to the gate. That is where they were holding the prisoners.

715 Q A German officer?

A He may have been a non-com, but I thought he was an officer.

716 Q Where were you when the colonel told you to go back after your jeep?

A Sir, I was standing on the other side of the moat beside the bridge. The bridge leads over the moat to the tower.

717 Q The colonel that you refer to is Col. Buldoc?

A Col Buldoc, sir.

718 Q Was that before or after you had taken refuge behind the bridge when the shots were fired?

A That was after, sir.

719 Q When you left were these German prisoners who had been taken from the tower still on the banks of the canal?

A No, sir. The prisoners had been marched back to the front gate.

720 Q So, as I understand your story, you reached this tower about the time Col. Fellenz and his party reached it?

A Yes, sir, they reached it just a little before me.

721 Q You saw Sgt. Wells lining these prisoners up in a line and searching them?

A Yes, sir.

722 Q And as nearly as you recall there was approximately fifteen of them?

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