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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 90 of 120

Continued from page 89

Testimony of: Pfc. William H. Mentch (Contd)

703 Q Did you get to this tower before the last German came out of the tower or afterwards?

A I don't remember, sir.

704 Q How many Germans were taken out of the tower?

A I don't know that sir.

705 Q Would you make an estimate?

A I could guess but I really don't know.

706 Q What would be your guess?

A I would say there was perhaps fifteen, but I don't say that for sure.

707 Q Did you see any of these Germans thrown in the water?

A No, sir, I didn't. That must have happened while I was getting my jeep, because the next day when I came back I did see them in the water.

708 Q Was there any shooting in the vicinity of the tower after you got there?

A Yes, sir, the shooting that I mentioned coming from the machine gun came from within 75 yards of the tower. The shells I saw his the water.

709 Q Was there any shooting by any American soldiers in the vicinity of the tower while you were there?

A No, sir, not that I remember.

710 Q With what weapon was Sgt. Wells armed?

A I am not sure but I think he had an M-3. Everything was so excited I did not take too much time to know what was going on. People were making a lot of noise.

711 Q Will you tell me now what happened to these Germans who were taken prisoners from this tower?

A Sir, you told me they were shot, but I thought they were taken back to the gate.

712 Q Did you see them taken back to the gate?

A I saw some taken from the tower back to the gate.

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