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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 69 of 120

Continued from page 68

Testimony of: T/5 John G. Bauerlein (Contd)

528 A I don't know. They might have been from the other side, but I can't say for sure that they were.

529 Q Do you know Lt. Col. Fellenz, who commands the lst Battalion, 222nd Inf.?

A I don't know him by name, sir.

530 Q Do you know the Lt. Colonel whom General Linden put in charge of the stockade at the camp?

A No, sir, I don't believe I do.

531 Q Did you see any lieutenant colonel there with General Linden?

A Yes, I believe I saw one or two.

532 Q One came back with you when you went for help?

A Yes, sir, that is right.

533 Q I believe that was the commander of the 222nd Regiment?

A Yes, sir, I believe he was.

534 Q The other lieutenant colonel who was there was a younger man?

A I think so.

535 Q Did you see him down by this tower?

A There was a short lieutenant colonel, sir, but he was back and forth between the tower there and I don't know the exact spot that he was in.

536 Q Lt. Col. Fellenz of the 1st Bn., 222nd Inf. told me that in taking this tower one party went from the main gate toward the tower along the path which runs between the canal and the fence of the stockade, and that he with other men crossed the canal and approached the tower from the other side. Which of those paths did you take?

A I was on the side between the canal and the fence.

537 Q Do you remember any officer giving orders for the attack on this tower?



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