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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 67 of 120

Continued from page 66

Testimony of: T/5 John G. Bauerlein (Contd)

510 Q Was he of the 42nd Division also?

A Yes, sir, I believe he was.

511 Q Where was the lieutenant colonel at this time?

A That I don't know. I didn't see him around.

512 Q Was there any firing from this tower?

A Not from the tower, no.

513 Q How many prisoners were taken from the tower?

A I would say about a dozen or fifteen maybe.

514 Q How close were you to the tower when these prisoners were taken?

A I was standing right in front of it, sir.

515 Q How many feet away?

A I would say about 4 or 5 feet. Something like that.

516 Q Tell me in your own words what happened after the last man was taken from the tower?

A These other prisoners were lined up along side that little canal, and the last one was sort of slow in coming down, and as he came down one of the GI's pushed him to the rear of the other prisoners. As he got closer he still kept pushing him and pushed him right into the water. I guess as he went in he grabbed and pulled some more in. That must have been about two men, and after they fell in GI's on the other side opened up. At the same time GI's on this side opened up on them, too. They shot them all down. I moved out of the way because I was afraid of getting hit.

517 Q That is they opened up on those who were in the stream and also shot those who were still standing along the banks?

A Yes, sir.

518 Q Did you fire at any of these men?

A No, sir, I did not.

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