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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 68 of 120

Continued from page 67

Testimony of: T/5 John G. Bauerlein (Contd)

519 Q Who did the shooting?

A I don't know sir. There was quite a few but I did not pay attention just who was shooting.

520 Q Did you see anyone firing into the bodies of these soldiers after they were down on the ground?

A Yes, sir, somebody did with a pistol, but I don't know whether it was an officer. I just know it was a GI.

521 Q How many bodies would you say were left on the bank of the canal after the shooting?

A That I don't know, because I walked away after the shooting and did not go back.

522 Q Were there any orders to fire given?

A No, sir, there weren't.

523 Q Do you know the name of the soldier who pushed the first German into the stream?

A No, I don't know the names of any. Just a bunch of GI's; one started and everybody followed.

524 Q Were they all members of the 42nd Division?

A I can't say. I didn't pay attention as to whether they were or not. Everything happened so fast I just moved out to get out of the way.

525 Q How many American soldiers were at this tower?

A I don't know the exact number.

526 Q How many would you estimate?

A I would say somewhere around ten.

527 Q Would that include the soldiers on both sides of the canal?

A Yes, sir, I would say it would.

528 Q Were any of these Germans shot in the back?

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