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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 61 of 120

Continued from page 60

Testimony of: Pfc. John R. Veitch (Contd)

458 Q And another party went toward the tower on the other side of the canal?

A Yes, sir.

459 Q Which way did this sergeant go that you mentioned?

A He went with the group that went on the path between the fence and the canal.

460 Q Did you follow him?

A No, sir, only a few steps, and then I went around to the other side and followed him down.

461 Q What officer was with your party?

A A Lt. Colonel, sir, I don't believe I know his name.

462 Q Was that Lt. Colonel Fellenz of the 222nd Infantry?

A I couldn't say because I really don't know.

463 Q Was he a member of the 42nd Division?

A Yes, sir, he was.

464 Q Will you tell me now exactly what took place as you remember it after the sergeant started down the path to the tower and you started toward the tower along the outside of the canal?

A As I remember it the sergeant did fire a few bursts now and then and by the time he reached the tower the German soldiers were all outside. There seemed to be one who gave them a little trouble and he was put out of the tower forcibly, and they were all out of the tower.

465 Q With what weapon was the sergeant armed?

A The name they have given the gun is the "grease gun". I believe it is the M-3.

466 Q That is the new model sub-machine gun?

A Yes, sir.

467 Q What were you armed with?

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