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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 58 of 120

Continued from page 57

Testimony of: Lt. Col. Walter J. Fellenz (Contd)

432 Q Did you see any other instances of German guards being killed by either American troops or inmates of the Concentration Camp?

A No.

433 Q Did you see any abuse of German personnel by either American soldiers or inmates in addition to what you have told me?

A Yes. There were two German soldiers who were inside the enclosure who had been beaten and bruised by the inmates themselves. I was informed of this by Major Giraud, and American soldiers were sent into the enclosure to remove the German soldiers before they were killed. I saw the two German soldiers when they were brought out of the gate. They were badly beaten, bruised and their clothes were torn. They were lined up with the other German soldiers who had been taken during the search of the barracks and buildings surrounding the enclosure.

434 Q In addition to the personal guards of General Linden and Col. Buldock, what troops of the 42nd Division were in this camp?

A Sometime later "A" Company of the 222nd Infantry and "F" of the 222nd Infantry arrive in the encampment to guard the prisoners and the enclosure.

435 Q What division of responsibility was there between the troops of the 42nd Division and the troops of the 45th Division?

A The commander of a battalion of the 45th Division, Lt. Col. Sparks, made his presence known to General Linden. General Linden placed me in command of the prison enclosure itself with the mission of the proper guarding of the inmates. Lt. Col. Sparks was placed in command of the rest of the camp with the mission of searching all of the buildings and placing guards where necessary.

436 Q Were you in command of the troops of the 42nd Division which were in this camp?

A That I was, sir.

437 Q Did any of such troops have contact with any German guards, SS troops, or other German personnel after the incident at the tower that you have mentioned?

A No, sir.

438 Q Was the tower which you have described on the side of the stockade toward the crematory?

A That is correct.

439 Q Awhile ago in your testimony you made reference to the death of 17 SS men. Were you referring then to the report which you had just shown me of your impressions in the Dachau camp?

A That is correct, sir. (IG Note: See Exhibit "G")

440 Q Could you have prevented the shooting of the German guards at this tower?

A No, sir, I could not have.

441 Q Had you given any orders or any statements that would have encouraged these soldiers to shoot these guards?

A No, sir.

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