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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 60 of 120

Continued from page 59

Testimony of: Pfc. John R. Veitch (Contd)

448 A Well, sir, the sergeant was shooting, I don't know why, but the German soldiers were in the tower doing something. I myself didn't see it, but eventually it was taken.

449 Q Who was the sergeant that you mentioned?

A I do not know his name, but he is an interrogator of one of our infantry regiments.

450 Q Of the 222nd?

A I believe it is but I am not sure.

451 Q Was there a high barbed wire fence around the stockade?

A Yes, sir.

452 Q Was there a canal paralleling this high barbed wire fence on one side of the stockade?

A Sir, there was a canal on the outside of the fence and on the inside there was a ditch. I don't know how deep but some prisoners were in there and could not get out by themselves.

453 Q The ditch or moat inside the fence was dry?

A I believe so, sir.

454 Q And outside the fence along one side of the stockade was this river or canal?

A Canal, sir.

455 Q Where was this tower that you last described with reference to the main entrance to the stockade?

A I don't know the direction but it was the next to the left from the main entrance facing the camp itself.

456 Q Was it on the side that had the canal?

A Yes, sir.

457 Q Did your party of soldiers go toward this tower from the main entrance to the stockade along the path that runs between the fence and the canal?

A Yes, sir.

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