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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 57 of 120

Continued from page 56

Testimony of: Lt. Col. Walter J. Fellenz (Contd)

424 A No, sir, I can't give you the names of the soldiers, but I can refer you to General Linden and Colonel Buldoc and I feel sure that they have the names of the soldiers in our division involved. In addition to the bodyguards, which I have mentioned above, there were elements of the 45th Division who were in that area at the time. I am not positive but there is a possibility that some of these troops were intermingled with the bodyguards that I have mentioned above. Further information concerning that can be obtained from Lt. Col. Sparks, who is the battalion commander from the 45th Division who had jurisdiction over these troops.

425 Q Did you notice whether or not these prisoners were facing toward the barbed wire of the enclosure or toward the canal when they were shot?

A Damn if I can say, sir. They were just in a group, the ones that were there.

426 Q Did you walk over to these bodies at that time or later?

A Several minutes later I walked by the bodies on my way to the main gate.

427 Q Were they lying on their backs or on their stomachs?

A Some on their stomachs and some on their backs.

428 Q From your observation of them could you tell whether they were shot from the front or behind?

A I didn't stop to inspect them that closely.

429 Q From what you saw immediately before the shooting and from what you saw when you turned when the shooting occurred could you tell whether they were shot from in front or behind?

A That I could not say because there were troops between me and the German soldiers and there were also troops on the other side of the canal.

430 Q Were these German soldiers between the canal and the fence of the stockade?

A Yes, that is correct.

431 Q And toward the main gate of the stockade from this tower?

A To my knowledge I believe they were on the side of the tower that faced the main gate.


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