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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 55 of 120

Continued from page 54

Testimony of: Lt. Col. Walter J. Fellenz, 0-23055, Headquarters 1st Bn, 222nd Inf.

Taken at: Stumm, Austria.

Date: 14 May 1945 By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

413 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Walter J. Fellenz, Lt. Colonel, Infantry, 0-23055, Headquarters 1st Battalion, 222nd Infantry, 42nd Division.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

414 Q Do you remember the taking of the Dachau Concentration Camp?

A I do, sir.

415 Q At what point of the camp or premises did you enter?

A There were two entrances to my knowledge, but I entered what I believe to be the main entrance.

416 Q Will you tell me briefly in your own words what happened after you entered the camp?

A In company with General Linden, Colonel Buldoc and bodyguards of each of these two officers we entered the camp after having been told by the General's Aide that apparently the SS troopers had deserted it. After entering the camp gate we moved along the road about 150 yards and there to our right about 150 yards down the road was the prison enclosure itself. As we advanced toward the enclosure thousands of the inmates were standing around the gate yelling, crying and waving their hands. Some of the bodyguards of the General who entered the camp prior to our party's entering were in the process of removing approximately eight German soldiers from the room on the right half of the gate of the stockade. As we drew near to the gate we were warned by the inmates that there were other German troops manning one of the towers to the left of us. This tower was approximately 200 yards away from us at this time. On the ground in front of the door to the tower I saw a man who appeared to be in German uniform. With my field glasses I identified him as a German soldier and I also saw several other German soldiers in the tower itself. By this time bodyguards of the above mentioned officers also saw the German soldiers. Part of the soldiers immediately rushed toward the tower going by the trail near the barbed wire fence. Others of the bodyguards moved by the road opposite the fence.

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