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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 54 of 120

Continued from page 53

Testimony of: Brig. Gen. Henning Linden (Contd)

410 A No, except that it was reported that some had been shot in the towers as a result of the fire fight.

411 Q What units or organization of the 42nd Division were in this camp?

A Initially only those who were in my party and 8 or 10 who came in with Col. Fellenz. Then Col. Buldock sent down two companies which I think were "Able" and "Charlie", but you can get that from Col. Fellenz.

412 Q Did Col. Sparks make any statement about his orders or what his troops were doing in connection with the camp?

A No, except that he said he was cleaning up the camp and I asked him if he had the rest of the camp in hand and he stated he had. That was part of the basis of putting him in command of the area he already occupied. I told him that the Corps and Army orders were to freeze the inmates in place and therefore we must concentrate on restoring order in this camp area.

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