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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 89 of 120

Continued from page 88

Testimony of: Pfc. William H. Mentch (Contd)

693 A It wasn't more than ten minutes. I am not positive of the time.

694 Q You think it was as long as ten minutes?

A I am not sure, sir.

695 Q Who started pushing these German soldiers in the canal or moat?

A Sir, I didn't see that. I heard of that but did not see it myself.

696 Q Which American soldiers were shooting these German soldiers?

A Sir, I didn't see the shooting. I don't know who it was.

697 Q Did you shoot at any of them?

A No, sir, I didn't. If I had been there I might have for the things I saw there, I don't know.

698 Q Did you go down to the tower along the pathway that was between the canal and the stockade fence, or did you go down to the tower by the road on the other side of the canal?

A I was on the other side of the canal, sir.

699 Q Did you go down there with the party Col. Fellenz conducted?

A No, sir, they went to the left and I went to the right by myself. When I got there they were there.

700 Q They got there before you did?

A Yes, sir.

701 Q Who was in that party in addition to Col. Fellenz?

A There was Sgt. Wells, Col. Fellenz, Gen. Linden and his guards, how many he had I don't know, and Col. Buldoc and his two guards and his radio jeep and his men from the radio section.

702 Q Did all of those you have named get down to this tower where the German prisoners were taken?

A Well, they were close to it, within 50 yards or so.

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