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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 88 of 120

Continued from page 87

Testimony of: Pfc. William H. Mentch (Contd)

686 Q Were you present at the tower when the German guards taken from the tower were shot?

A No, sir, I wasn't. It was my belief that they were taken back. I didn't know they were shot.

687 Q When Sgt. Wells had these men lined up where were you?

A I went in the tower and I came out. I looked around and came out.

688 Q Then what did you do?

A After the prisoners went back and the machine gun fire the colonel decided to go back and bring his company up, so I went back through the main gate where they were guarding the prisoners and got my jeep and brought it to where the colonel was.

689 Q I must admonish you that the 24th Article of War does not permit you to tell a lie. If you feel that an answer might tend to incriminate you, you are privileged to refuse to answer such a question, but you are bound under your oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and telling a falsehood constitutes perjury and is a very serious court-martial offense. Do you understand that?

A Yes, sir.

690 Q Now, I now from the testimony of Wells and Col. Fellenz and others who were there that none of these men taken from this tower left there alive. Now, will you tell me what you saw after Wells lined these prisoners up?

A Sir, you say that is what happened. I saw a group of prisoners marched back. I will say I am not certain that it was that group, but I walked back with the officer that was in charge of those prisoners.

691 Q What was his name?

A I don't know, sir.

692 Q How many prisoners did you see move away from this tower?

A I really don't know, sir.

693 Q How long did you stay in the vicinity of the tower after you saw Sgt. Wells searching these prisoners?

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