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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 80 of 120

Continued from page 79

Testimony of: T/3 Henry J. Wells (Contd)

611 Q Did you shoot at the German soldiers who had been pushed into the water?

A Sir, I believe I said I fired into the general area. I did not aim at anybody in particular.

612 Q Where was Capt. Mac Laughlin at this time?

A He was not there.

613 Q Where was Col. Fellenz?

A He was there.

614 Q What was he doing at this time?

A I all of a sudden saw his face and that is about all. Lt. Col. Fellenz commanding the 1st Battalion, that is who you are referring to.

615 Q Did you see any threatening gesture or move on the part of the Germans after you lined them up?

A I personally did not.

616 Q As you approached this tower did you receive any fire directed at you from the tower?

A No, sir, but I expected it momentarily. I was in plain GI language, "sweating it out".

617 Q Did you see Col. Fellenz fire any shots at this tower?

A I didn't see anybody in particular firing anything at all.

618 Q Do you remember with what weapon Col. Fellenz was armed?

A No, sir.

619 Q Who else was present at this incident in addition to you and Col. Fellenz?

A Numerous American soldiers.

620 Q Do you know who they were?

A Except Dimanski, no, sir.

621 Q Do you know from what unit they were?

A No, sir.

622 Q Do you know whether or not they were from this regiment?

622 A No, sir.

623 Q Were some of these pushed into the canal after the shooting?

A I do not know, sir.

624 Q About what would be your estimate of the speed of current of the canal water that day?

A Sir, I did not even see the canal. Well, I saw the canal, I beg your pardon.

625 Q Are there any other details of this incident that you can recall?

A Not that I can recall anything at all, sir.

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