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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 82 of 120

Continued from page 81

Testimony of: Pvt. Chester Domanski (Contd)

fellow came and told me there were two SS men in another room, and so I got them two out and I had to find Sgt.Wells and he was in some kind of battle. I don't know what it was and after we got outside they took all of the prisoners back inside the gate and locked it.

633 Q Were you anywhere near the tower where some SS guards were taken prisoner and shot?

A I was about 100 yards away and what happened up there I don't know. I went the other way.

634 Q Did you see anybody firing from the tower that Sgt. Wells approached?

A No, sir, I did not.

635 Q Did you see what was happening when they took the SS troopers out of the tower?

A No, sir, because I was in the kitchen.

636 Q You were inside the stockade proper at that time?

A Yes, sir. That is where I got two prisoners, out in the kitchen.

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