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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 71 of 120

Continued from page 70

Testimony of: T/5 John G. Bauerlein (Contd)

547 Q Did you shoot at any of these Germans?

A No, sir, I never fired a shot.

548 Q Were any other members of General Linden's guard present when this happened?

A Yes, sir, there was.

549 Q Which?

A Private Veitch, sir.

550 Q Did you see him shoot at any of these men?

A No, sir, he didn't shoot. When they started firing he couldn't take it and turned around and walked away.

551 Q I believe that you stated that you saw one man shooting into the bodies of these Germans after they were on the ground, and that this man was using a pistol?

A Yes, sir.

552 Q What was the rank of that man?

A That I don't know, sir, I do not remember.

553 Q Can you describe him to me at all?

A No, sir, I am afraid I can't. He was backing away.

554 Q Was it a 45 GI pistol this person was firing?

A That I can't say, I was too far away to see what type of pistol it was.

555 Q How far would you estimate you were when this man was firing the pistol into the bodies of those Germans?

A Maybe 10 or 15 feet.

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