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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 74 of 120

Continued from page 73

Testimony of: Lt. William J. Cowling (Contd)

564 Q From where you were standing could you see what happened after these guards were taken from the tower?

A No, sir, I could not. As I saw the thing I did not see any guards actually taken from the tower. I believe some came out of the tower and these guards were all armed. I know that the group I took all had their pistols and rifles. Whether they came out firing or not I do not know. I wasn't close enough there and with the firing going on I wasn't interested enough to stick my neck out too far to see. Without being right there in the firing I don't think you could actually tell. As I say, there was bullets striking in the moat. When the bullets were striking along there I took cover on the ground as the rest of them did.

565 Q Do you know the names or identity of any of the personnel who made the attack on this tower?

A Colonel Fellenz I know was moving toward the tower, but whether he fired or not, I do not know. There were other soldiers, but I do not know their names.

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