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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 37 of 120

Continued from page 36

Testimony of: Lt. Daniel F. Drain (Contd)

268 Q What next happened?

A As I said before I was with another squad, and I left my squad of machine gunners to come back and find out just what was going on. On doing this I was asked to bring my machine gun. I brought it up to where the prisoners were and was ordered to set it up.

269 Q Who gave you these orders?

A Lt. Walsh, sir. I set my machine gun up pointing in the direction of the prisoners that were lined up, turned around and walked away. As I walked away Lt. Walsh gave one of my gunners an order to fire. At this point Col. Sparks arrived on the scene and stopped it.

270 Q How many rounds would you estimate were fired from your machine gun?

A Roughly about seventy-five.

271 Q Was that fired in bursts?

A I would say probably three bursts or so.

272 Q What other weapons were firing at the time or about the same time?

A I know of carbines firing. I saw that when I turned around about the time they opened up. Although I am not sure I heard a BAR firing, too.

273 Q Did you see or hear any sub-machine gun?

A I don't recall

274 Q Did you see or hear any pistol being fired then?

A No, sir.

275 Q With what weapon were you yourself armed?

A A carbine, sir.

276 Q Did anyone in your squad have a sub-machine gun?

A No, sir.

277 Q Will you give me the names of your men who were present?

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