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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 12 of 120

Continued from page 11

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Contd)

61 Q There appears to be a machine gunner just behind a mounted machine gun. Was that a heavy or light?

A Light.

62 Q Is that machine gun from your company?

A It was attached to my company. It is an "M" company machine gun.

63 Q Which platoon or section of "M" company was attached to your company that day?

A Lt. Drain is the platoon leader. I don't know which of two squads it is.

64 Q Where were you when this picture identified as Exhibit "C" was taken?

A I am not in that that I can see. I am quite sure I am not in the picture.

65 Q You were present when this picture was taken?

A I will be frank, I don't know who took it or when it was taken, but I was around there when the shooting started.

66 Q Were there any of your superior officers present when this shooting took place?

A No, sir.

67 Q Had you consulted with any of your superior officers before the shooting about what to do with the SS troopers?

A No, sir. It was just the understanding that they were just regular prisoners.

68 Q Who fired the tommy gun on that occasion?

A I did not know there was one present, sir.

69 Q Did you or any of the men shoot a forty-five pistol?

A I didn't fire a shot at that particular time.

70 Q Did you or any of the men fire either a tommy gun or a forty-five caliber pistol at these prisoners?

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