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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 14 of 120

Continued from page 13

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Cont'd)

79 A I think it was Sergeant Bundy at that time. We had one go home recently and I think that is the one.

80 Q Were there any prisoners in the yard while you were there?

A No, sir, not that I know of.

81 Q Were there any inmates of the camp there wearing striped trousers in the yard while you were there?

A No, sir, not that I know of.

82 Q I hand you a photograph identified as Exhibit "E" and ask if you remember any such scene as that?

A I positively don't, sir.

83 Q Did you look at the bodies after the shooting in this coal yard?

A No, sir, I left right after that.

84 Q Were some of your men left in charge?

A I think I left those same three men there. I pulled the machine gun off at that time.

85 Q What are the names of those three men?

A I don't know, sir.

86 Q Do you remember the name of any one of them?

A No, sir.

87 Q Do you remember what squad they were in?

A No, sir. They came out of one of the buildings, and I just put them on that guard detail.

88 Q Did you intend to execute these SS men when you put them in the yard?

A No, sir.

89 Q What orders did you give the machine gunners?

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