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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 11 of 120

Continued from page 10

Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Contd)

52 Q When you first entered this camp area where did you take the prisoners, that is, where were they captured?

52 A Units of my first and second platoon were sending them back. We caught one bunch of about twenty-five, and they all came in bunches of eight or ten. I think the largest bunch was twenty-five. They came out of the warehouses all the way along the main drag. The reason the SS troopers were segregated was that I was told the SS were in command of the camp and they would need special watching, or be used for questioning.

53 Q The yard that you put the SS troopers into, was that a sort of coal yard?

A There was coal in part of it.

54 Q Was your entire first platoon watching these SS troopers?

A No, sir, just a couple of men, I think three in all.

55 Q Will you give me the names of those three men?

A I could not, Colonel, as I don't know who they were. When I called the machine gun crew over they were units of "M" company.

56 Q How many SS troopers did you segregate in this yard?

A I would take a guess of about sixty or seventy.

57 Q How many were shot in the yard?

A I don't know, sir. There weren't many because we only fired one burst.

58 Q With what weapon were you armed that day?

A A carbine. I had a forty-five also.

59 Q I hand you a picture, which I have identified as Exhibit "C" and ask you to look at it. Is that a picture of the yard that you have described?

A Yes.

60 Q Will you identify the soldier whose face is plainly visible?

A I can't from the picture, no. He looks like one of our men, but I can't identify him.

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