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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 105 of 120

Continued from page 104

Testimony of: Pvt. Fred E. Randolph (Contd)

839 Q To further identify this particular tower would it have been to your left as you approached the main gate into the stockade?

A It would be to my left.

840 Q Was there a canal anywhere close to this tower?

A The flowing stream was close to the tower.

841 Q This stream parallels the fence?

A Yes, sir.

842 Q Did you see anyone killed in the vicinity of this tower?

A Yes, sir.

843 Q Will you tell me in your own words what you saw immediately before the killing and including any events leading up to the killing?

A I saw a couple of GI's walking down with a bunch of prisoners parallel to the stream then crossed the bridge over to a narrow road by the flowing water and the fence. At that time a bunch of inmates began to shout, "SS", "SS", and came across the fence from all sides and attacked these prisoners. There were screams, yells and everything else, and beating them severely like they were beating them to death. I heard the shots fired and didn't know who did them or why because I was right near the gate about 150 yards, and told to stay there and guard the gate.

844 Q That is you were near the main entrance to the stockade?

A Yes, sir.

845 Q Do you know whether these GI's that had these prisoners were members of the 42nd Division or the 45th Division?

A I am not sure but I think they were from the 42nd Division. I am not sure of that though.

846 Q How many Germans were in the group of prisoners that were in this road between the canal and the fence?

A There was about 8 or 9.


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