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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 106 of 120

Continued from page 105

Testimony of: Pvt. Fred E. Randolph (Contd)

847 Q Was their location anywhere near the tower that we have described when they were killed?

A Yes, sir.

848 Q Where were they with respect to that tower?

A Just before you get to the tower as you walk from the main gate about fifteen yards or so, 10 or 15 yards.

849 Q Could you tell when you first saw them whether or not these prisoners were actually taken from the tower?

A No, they were not taken from the tower, sir, because I went right by that tower when we were the first ones to get in there, and we went across the bridge near the tower and swung right down the road leading toward the main entrance of the stockade, and with me I had a few of my buddies and there were no shots fired from the tower nor did they come out to surrender. We were the first ones there and I think they would have at least given up or fired or in some manner we would have known they were there.

850 Q Then you did not actually see where these prisoners came from when you first saw them?

A No, sir.

851 Q And the first you noticed them they were along the bank of the canal between the canal and the fence and close to the tower?

A Yes, sir. But when I did notice them they were being killed by these prisoners. There was more than about 200 prisoners outside the gate around the prisoners and shouting "SS", but I didn't go there as I was guarding the gate.

852 Q Could you see what was happening where these prisoners were or was your view obstructed by the crown of inmates that surrounded them?

A I could hear the screams and yells, but they were surrounded by these inmates.

853 Q Previous to this incident did you see SS men or other type Germans killed by American soldiers?

A Yes, sir, I did.

854 Q What was the first of such incidents that you saw?

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