Website Development I

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Class No. 9:

Working with Images

Today’s Goal

To begin working with images by displaying them and controlling how they are displayed.

Class Resources

Web Programming book reading for THIS class

Web Programming book reading for NEXT class


Questions from our last class or the readings?

with title
(hover over to
see tooltip)



aligned left aligned center aligned right
This text comes before the image in the HTML file.  This text comes after the image in the HTML file. This text comes before the image in the HTML file.  This text comes after the image in the HTML file. This text comes before the image in the HTML file.  This text comes after the image in the HTML file.
The above image has attribute style="float: left", so the text wraps around it.  Notice that the second sentence starts right after the first sentence as if the image wasn’t even there. The above image is inline, which is the default positioning.  The text does not wrap around the image.  The image itself is treated just like text, that is, as if the image is simply a text character. The above image has attribute style="float: right", so once again the text wraps around it.  Notice again that the second sentence starts right after the first sentence as if the image wasn’t even there.

Today’s Exercises

Goal:  To create a web page that incorporates graphics.

Preamble:  There are three exercises outlined here.  They range from easier to harder.  You are welcome to do whichever exercises you’d like or something similar of your own design.

If you are reading this text on paper, be sure to go to the course website to be able to easily click the links for the graphics and other page componenets you need to complete these exercises.

Exercise #1:  PRO Manual Closing Note (least challenging)

  1. Start by looking at the PRO Manual Closing Note page.  Note that the page layout has three sections.
  2. To code this page you will need:
  3. Code as much of the page as you can.  I recommend that you start by just getting the text and the PRO Manual logo on your screen before styling each element with CSS.  Use this starter code to help you get started.

Exercise #2:  PRO Manual Cover (a little more challenging)

  1. Start by looking at the PRO Manual Cover page.  Note that the page layout has three sections.
  2. As stated for Exercise #1, code as much of the page as you can.  I recommend that you start by just getting the text and the PRO Manual logo on your screen before styling each element with CSS.  Use this starter code to help you get started.

Exercise #3:  PRO Manual Overview (most challenging)

  1. Start by looking at the PRO Manual Overview page.  This page has all of the elements of the pages described above plus a couple of additional ones.
  2. To create the 2-column layout you will need two <div> elements.  This is tricky.  Use this starter code to help you get started.


This is Class No. 9.  It was last modified on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 4:38 PM.  Copyright © 2010-2024 by Jesse M. Heines.  All rights reserved, but may be freely copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.