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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 77 of 120

Continued from page 76

Testimony of: T/3 Henry J. Wells (Contd)

581 A It took me a little shoving around and hitting their fanny to get them into line.

582 Q When you got them lined up did they all have their hands up?

A I don't recall that, sir.

583 Q Were any of them armed at that time?

A I would not know that, sir.

584 Q Had you search any of them?

A No, sir.

585 Q I believe there is a canal along there that parallels the fence of the stockade?

A That is right, sir.

586 Q Where was this tower with reference to the stockade fence and with reference to the canal?

A The canal was controlling the entire fence and the canal was running parallel to the fence.

587 Q About what space of walkway or ground was there between the fence and the canal?

A I don't recall. I could not make an accurate statement. I would estimate that it was six feet; it could have been wider than that.

588 Q Where were the Germans lined up with reference to this canal?

A Close to the canal.

589 Q Was the line parallel to the canal?

A That is right, sir.

590 Q Where were you standing?

A Facing the Germans.

591 Q Were the Germans facing you or were their backs to you?

A I could not say.

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