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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 48 of 120

Continued from page 47

Testimony of: Pfc. Frank Eggert (Contd)

379 Q What was done with those who could walk?

A Several of the ones that looked more badly wounded than the rest were sent back to the hospital. What happened to the rest I don't know.

380 Q Was Col. Sparks there when these SS men were separated from the other prisoners?

A He was near there. He was in the vicinity. I could not say how close.

381 Q What arm did you have?

A A pistol, and a carbine, come to think of it.

382 Q I show you a picture which has been identified as Exhibit "C", and ask you first if this picture shows the yard that you have been talking about where the shooting took place?

A I believe that is it.

383 Q Can you identify the American soldier that appears to be equipped with a walkie-talkie that is shown in the picture?

A No, I don't think I know anybody in the company at all.

384 Q Do you know whether or not any medical aid was called for those who had been wounded in this yard?

A Col. Sparks got some of the German doctors and I believe he sent them over there. Things were getting out of hand so we went back it was I believe to the regiment and he asked them for some help to get things straightened out I believe right after that.

385 Q Can you give me the name of any soldier or officer who was with Colonel Sparks during this episode?

A You mean during the shooting?

386 Q During that time or immediately before or immediately following?

A His runners were there.

387 Q Can you give me their names?

A His interpreters name is Mann, and his runner is Johnson.

388 Q Are both of these soldiers here now?

A Yes.

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