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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 41 of 120

Continued from page 40

Testimony of: Cpl. Martin J. Sedler (Contd)

308 Q Who gave the order to fire the gun?

A That, sir, I could not tell you.

309 Q What officers were present?

A There was "I" Company CO, lst Lt. Walsh, Lt. Drain, and I believe that is all. I am not sure but I think that is all.

310 Q Was there an order to fire given?

A That I could not tell you. I didn't give any order to fire the gun, I was just assistant.

311 Q Do you know whether or not an order was called out?

A I don't know whether an order was given or not or how the firing was or who was responsible.

312 Q How many rounds were fired from your gun?

A I would not guess over twenty or twenty-five at the top.

313 Q How many bursts?

A That I would not know, sir.

314 Q Were you facing the direction of fire at the time?

A At the time of fire my eyes were on the building.

315 Q What other weapons were being fired at the same time?

A Sir, I could not tell you as I did not pay much attention as to who was around there.

316 Q With what weapon were you armed?

A I have a 45 pistol, the same one I am carrying now. My pistol was not fired that day.

317 Q I hand you a photograph which has been identified as Exhibit "C", and ask if the happenings you have been describing occurred in the yard shown in this photograph?

A That is right, sir.


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