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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 28 of 120

Continued from page 27

Testimony of: Lt. Jack Busheyhead (Contd)

191 A No, sir.

192 Q With what weapon were you armed on the day that this happened?

A A carbine.

193 Q Did you take any shots at these prisoners?

A I think I did.

194 Q Who fired a pistol or Thompson sub-machine gun?

A I don't believe anybody did, sir. I did not see it. I know that they were lined up against the wall and the machine gun was put into action and the flanks started to move up toward us and then everybody opened fire. There was just a little firing and everybody went on. A great number I know were not hit.

195 Q You understood that these men were to be shot when they were segregated and moved into this enclosure?

A I had a general idea.

196 Q Were you present when six or so German guards were shot near a tower along the canal?

A No, sir. It had all been cleared up when I got there. As a matter of fact the 42nd Division was there.

197 Q You identified Exhibit "C" as being a picture of the scene as you remember it?

A Yes, that is just about like it.

198 Q Is there anything further that you wish to say?

A No, sir.

199 Q Was Col. Sparks present in this yard when this shooting took place?

A I don't recall seeing him at that point. The next time I recall seeing him was at the main entrance to the enclosure.

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