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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 20 of 120

Continued from page 19

Testimony of: Pfc. George M. Larson, 42074723, Company "I", 157th Infantry, lst Platoon,

Machine Gunner.

Taken at: Pullach, Germany. (Near Munich)

Date: 4 May 1945 By: Lt. Col. Joseph M. Whitaker, IGD

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

124 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Pfc. George M. Larson, 42074723, Company "I", 157th Infantry, lst Platoon, Machine Gunner.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

125 Q Do you remember the taking of the Dachau Internment Camp?

A Yes, sir.

126 Q Were you present when some German soldiers were shot?

A If you mean when they were lined up by that wall, I wasn't. We did not have any machine gun with us that day in my machine gun squad and we were acting as a rifle squad.

127 Q Where were you when the shooting took place?

A I don't know the exact time of the shooting, but I think at the time I was on guard at the hospital.

128 Q When and why did you leave this yard where the Germans were lined up?

A I believe it was Lt. Busheyford told me to go into the hospital as a guard there.

129 Q Is the hospital you speak of just across the wall from this yard?

A I don't know if it is just across the wall, but it is right nearby.

130 Q Were you present when the SS men were separated from the other prisoners?

A In the first line I think there was the medics and nurses. I believe they were separating them when I was told to take off. I believe that is what they were doing any way.


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