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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 107 of 120

Continued from page 106

Testimony of: Pvt. Fred E. Randolph (Contd)

854 A The first such incident was when we first entered the prison camp gates. Four Jerries came walking down with their hands on their heads and surrendered to Lt. Walsh. Lt. Walsh was quite angry and upset and took them into one of these wagons and called for a machine gun, then he changed his mind and took them into a boxcar and fired his pistol at them, and one of the GI's climbed in after Lt. Walsh got through and fired his gun at the bodies of half dead Germans I guess. Fired about eight or nine shots.

855 Q Do you know the name of that GI?

A Pruitt.

856 Q Do you know the name of anyone else who saw that?

A Crouse, our BAR man was with me. Burcham, Leath, Cpl. Richards, who was squad leader at the time. Before we did go in there we were told as soon as we saw the bodies in the train that no prisoners would be taken.

857 Q Do you know where that word came from?

A I do not, sir.

858 Q After the incident with Lt. Walsh at the boxcar when next did you see some Germans shot?

A At about the same time one German was already shot once I think, and was lying near the railroad tracks, and Col. Sparks fired at him with his pistol, about two or three shots.

859 Q Were you present later when certain prisoners were separated from others because they were SS men?

A I wasn't.

860 Q You heard about it?

A Yes, I did hear about it.

861 Q Can you give me the name of anyone who saw the incident at the tower, which you have described?

A Flowers was there I think, and machine gunners were there also. Sgt. Craig is one of them. That is about all I can remember.

862 Q Did anyone else see the incident of Col. Sparks shooting his pistol at a German lying on the ground?

A I think most of the members of my squad, which is the third squad of the 3rd platoon were there.

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