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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 44 of 120

Continued from page 43

Testimony of: Pvt. William C. Curtin (Contd)

338 Q When you came in this yard what officers were present?

A I believe there was Lieutenant or Captain Walsh of "I" Company, and he was the only one in the yard there besides a few guards.

339 Q What were you told to do?

A Set up the machine gun.

340 Q Do you know who gave the order to set up the machine gun?

A Yes, sir.

341 Q Who?

A Lt. Walsh, of "I" Company.

342 Q After your machine gun was mounted did you get any further orders?

A Well, he said he was going to shoot the machine gun, and lined up BAR men, and called for a few tommy gunners. I know a BAR man was there, but I don't know for sure about the tommy gunners.

343 Q Did the Lieutenant shoot the machine gun?

A No, sir.

344 Q Why?

A As I loaded the machine gun and put the belt in these SS'rs saw it and started coming toward us, and he cut loose with his pistol and said, "Let them have it."

345 Q How many rounds did you fire with your machine gun?

A From thirty to fifty, sir. It jammed twice. Before I cleared the jams Col. Sparks came and stopped everything.

346 Q How many bursts did you fire?

A About three long bursts.

347 Q Did you see some tommy gunners there from "I" Company?

A There was an "I" Company BAR man there that he called in.

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